3. Business Type
Please indicate the type of business.
example, B&B, Restaurant, Hotel, Museum, Theatre, Outfitter, Ranch, Tour
Operator, Resort, Guide, Chamber of Commerce, Newspaper...)
5. Image (a logo, photo or
Indicate how you will supply the image. For example,
that you will send a copy of the image by attaching it to an email
message. Or tell us which image to use from your website or brochure. Or
indicate whether you will send a hardcopy image for scanning.
6. Additional Comments:
Please add any additional comments you would like to
make in the box below:
Congratulations! You have now completed the Order Form for a linked
listing with an image.
7. Submit Your Listing Information
Click the "Submit Form" button below to submit your
information online (click the button just once). Or, if you prefer, print
this page and send it to us via regular mail.
8. Payment
You may submit your payment of $59.00 in US funds by
check or credit card.
*Please note the above plans are subject to a
surcharge when your business web site is not under it's own domain name. An
example would be http://www.thirdparty.com/yourbusiness. This surcharge does
not apply when your business has it's own domain name such as http://www.yourbusiness.com.
For more information please contact Go Northwest!
Check: Please make your check payable to Go
Northwest in the amount of $59.00 in US funds. The mailing address is:
Go Northwest
PO Box 1909
Columbia Falls, MT 59912
Credit Card:
Please submit your credit card information by telephone: 406-892-2940 or
206-715-1704, or regular mail. The information must include the following:
Account Number __________________
Expiration Date: _____
Card ID Number (back side of card): _____
Name on the Card: _________________________
Mail Address as it appears on your credit card
Street: __________________________
City: ______________ State: _______ ZIP: ___________
Please feel free to contact us by email at
info@gonorthwest.com, or, telephone us at 406-892-2940 or 206-715-1704
during normal business hours if you have questions or wish additional
Thank you for your participation on Go Northwest! We look
forward to carrying your listing and bringing more visitors to your website.
Jack C. High
Editor and Publisher
PO Box 1909
Columbia Falls, MT 59912
Voice: 406-892-2940 or 206-715-1704