Nearby Cities and Towns
Index, 7 miles
Leavenworth, 60 miles
Monroe, 27 miles
North Bend, 60 miles
Peshatin, 63 miles
Skykomish, 8 miles
Snoqualmie, 56 miles
Sultan, 19 miles
Cities and Towns
More Cascades
North Cascades
Central Cascades
South Cascades
Mountain Passes
Blewett Pass, 84 miles
Snoqualmie Pass, 84 miles
Stevens Pass, 24 miles
Washington Travel Regions and Maps
Cascade Mountains
Olympic Peninsula
Puget Sound
San Juan Islands
South Central
Baring is a former mining town located between Index and Skykomish on Highway 2.
Find all the visitor information you need to plan your to Baring . Just use the navigation links in the left hand column or the drop down menu at the top of the page to find where to stay, where to eat, what to see and what to do.
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Day Hike! Central Cascades, 3rd Edition: The Best Trails You Can Hike in a Day by Mike McQuaide. Explore the best trails for day hikes in the Central Cascades. This guide details 69 hikes through forests, mountain vistas, waterfalls and alpine meadows. Each trail is rated and has a description. Topographical maps are included. Order now...
Day Hiking: Central Cascades by Craig Romano, Author and Alan Baue, Photographer. This book includes 50% more hikes than other regional guidebooks and focuses on cream-of-the-crop trails in these areas. Compact in size, this is the most up-to-date guide for the area, organized along highways and other travel corridors, with an emphasis on trails that are 12 miles or less. Order now...
Washington's Central Cascades Fishing Guide by Dave Shorett. This guidebook coves over 25 streams and 200 rivers with in depth information on where and when to fish along with fishing techniques, access and hiking directions. Maps and photographs are also included. Order now...
Selected Climbs in the Cascades Volume II by Jim Nelson and Peter Potterfield. Features 100 routes, including top favorite sport and crag climbing areas. Illustrated throughout with black and white photographs, several with route overlays. Highlights fun, quality climbs for all skill levels. Order now...
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